Joel Smith
Joel is a content king and he writes some pretty mean questions too. Oh, and he's an Apple power user extraordinaire.
Will 2021 be the year AR/VR enters the Workplace Learning scene?
There are rumblings of big happenings in AR and VR right now. So we're here to talk about what that means for the workplace and online learning.
Science revolutionised workplace learning…135 years ago!
Modern technology means we can finally put the revolutionary learning principles that science discovered 135 years ago.
How to stop (sans) forgetting what you've read
What if I said I could improve your reading memory by simply changing your font? By adding desirable difficultly to reading Sans Forgetica does just that!
What some ancient guy can teach a startup about learning, failure, and growth
The best way to learn is by making the 'sacred mistake' – screw up and then do it differently next time. So can we utilise that effectively in workplace learning?
Our secret formula for writing (effective) multiple choice quizzes
If you're anything like me, multiple choices at school and university were a breeze. But what if I told you that a well written multiple choice quiz could challenge your knowledge and even help mould behaviours?
Training our employees to brush their teeth
There's something to be learned in comparing tooth brushing and improving performance in the workplace. And it's not just that we'll all have pearly whites!
Yarno, a little different (company)
It's easy to want to chase growth, chase speed and chase the big bucks. But what's important for us is to chase the vision – and as long as we do, the rest will come.