Customer service

3 tips to level up your online customer service experience (that you may not have thought of!
We've recently given our customer support site a bit of a facelift - and we've learnt some handy tips to level up online customer service along the way!

The power of role-play in customer service
Your customer-facing teams face a plethora of trials and tribulations in dealing with all manner of customer queries: the good, the bad and the ugly. Regular role-playing activities will help prepare them for any curveball scenario.

What is last-mile delivery and why is it so important?
The COVID-19 pandemic has likely changed how we shop forever. And with the huge surge in online shopping (especially for items we'd never dreamt of buying online - hello Koala!), there's an added pressure and expectation on the delivery process.

5 tips for delivering excellent customer service remotely
At Yarno, we pride ourselves on providing top-notch customer experiences and that means delighting the customers at all stages. This can be difficult when working remotely – how do you get that excellence across a digital medium?

The FOREfront guide to epic customer service
Learn how to make customer service your business, and turn customers into raving fans with this epic CX eBook.

Epic CX: Who Gives a Crap?
A hero in the time of toilet paper shortages, Who Gives a Crap has maintained their top-quality product, while delivering on their guarantee that no subscriber would run out of toilet paper.

Second-rate Service Stories: Why it's important to create positive customer experiences
In this instance, the company turned the blame for a poor job done back onto me - the customer! Not a great way to create raving fans of their business...

Quick 5 with Customer Success
This month, we sat down with one of our Customer Success Superheroes, Dale Shaw, to ask him some rapid fire questions on his role at Yarno.

How to navigate tricky customer relationships
The customer-to-business relationship can be a tricky one. But! Luckily if you acknowledge align assure your way through it, you'll experience nothing but smooth sailing.

EPIC CX: Haigh's Chocolates
The other day, I walked into Haigh's Chocolates CBD store, certain I was about to ruin someone's day...

Role-play is super awkward! But necessary...
Role-play is super awkward when you first try it, but it's also a surefire way to level up your customer interactions.

EPIC CX: Basecamp
Many companies outsource customer support overseas or they use a casual workforce - not at Basecamp. The past 5 years they've implemented 'Everyone on Support.'