Ron Finemore Transport addresses knowledge gaps because safety is their No.1 priority

"Yarno has helped us on a number of fronts - it has allowed us to engage in three points of learning: we inform, demonstrate, and then we're able to measure that learning. The training is repeatable, and it is recordable."
Watch how Ron Finemore Transport uses Yarno
Who they are
Ron Finemore Transport has the safest, youngest and most modern fleet in Australia. Operating across more than three states, they maintain a fleet of 250+ trucks and 600+ staff. If you've driven on an Australian road in the past 15 years, you'd recognise their bright red trucks hauling food, produce, fuel, feed and grain, safely on their way.
The challenges
Safety incidents
Before Yarno, the business was experiencing an unacceptably high rate of dropped trailers - exceeding 5 per year due to drivers not following processes correctly. This was a considerable safety risk, as well as a risk to the company's larger contracts, as safety incidents don't just damage drivers; they also damage a company's reputation.
Further, Ron Finemore Transport ("RFT") was applying for a self-insurance licence with Comcare and needed to have a robust digital training solution that could identify gaps in knowledge and highlight compliance based risks.
Liability under new Chain of Responsibility ("CoR") legislation
Newly introduced CoR legislation greatly expanded the onus for safety incidents within the transport and logistics industry. This legislation effectively meant that safety processes must not just be done; they must be seen to be done. Due to this, RFT needed a learning solution that could effectively monitor and record their safety efforts.
Distributed workforce
RFT maintains its big red fleet across three big states. This meant that their sought-after learning solution had to be accessible anytime, anywhere. They couldn't be bringing their drivers in from hundreds of kilometres away every time they needed to refresh their training.

How Yarno addressed these challenges
Since 2017, RFT has been rolling out Yarno's 'CoR essentials' campaign as well as the 'Coupling and Uncoupling' campaign to its drivers. These campaigns are designed to reduce safety incidents and address the newly introduced CoR legislation, respectively.
Yarno bursts were also introduced to complement RFT's existing induction process.
Key results

There has been a two thirds reduction in dropped trailers.
Drivers inducted with Yarno all perform higher in their driver assessments 1 year later, largely attributed to greater retention of information.
The business achieved self-insurance status with Comcare and now uses the results of Yarno as evidence for the regulator during audits and in the case of any type of safety breach.
There has not been a single accident in the company involving a driver who has been inducted using Yarno.

Ongoing Yarno usage
RFT continues to leverage Yarno to ensure driver confidence, with ongoing safety processes and procedures training support, alongside traditional one-on-one training.
When a driver follows a procedure incorrectly, driver trainers at RFT use the Yarno dashboard to identify:
- Whether that driver is completing their Yarno questions.
- The driver's strongest and weakest topic areas.
The driver trainer can then trigger a Yarno burst or embed campaign to up-skill the driver in those areas determined to be weaker. This targeted approach means that knowledge gaps are quickly identified and filled, addressing the problem and ensuring the correct process is followed in the future.
Yarno embeds can also be used to re-train drivers after incidents, such as a dropped trailer. They can verify that the retraining has been effective by following up with a Yarno campaign, then, if required, target any further weak points, even after retraining.
Yarno is also used to support drivers when they first join to get them up to speed as quickly as possible. After each day of induction training, drivers will receive a Yarno burst campaign. At the beginning of the next day, the driver trainer will start the day looking at the statistics in the dashboard and focus their attention on the areas that the drivers didn't understand the day prior.
Over time, this means that problems and potential areas of concern are adequately addressed and corrected before the end of the drivers’ inductions. Driver trainers will then also put together a profile using a driver's experience, practical assessment skills and Yarno data. This profile will help to tailor the driver’s schedule for the first few weeks post-induction.
At the end of 2022, Yarno is proud to have partnered with RFT for five years.
In November's edition of Prime Mover magazine, Shane Tucker, Manager Safety, Operational Risk and Compliance at Ron Finemore Transport (RFT), shared his experience using Yarno over the past five years to engage and upskill his drivers.
And we are delighted to share that over the last 12 months, RFT saw an average of 25% performance improvement from the first to second question attempt. We are pumped to see the team at RFT continuing to achieve great results and we look forward to kicking more goals in 2023.