Yarno has a range of off-the-shelf learning campaigns, specifically designed for the transport industry. Contact us today to discuss your requirements!

Safety training in only 3 minutes a day

Build a culture of safety
Focus on your team’s wellbeing and be proactive with your safety measures.

Start the conversation
Keep your team engaged with safety and get the conversation going.

Change behaviours
Increase the use of safe practices on the road, in the warehouse and in the office.

Reinforce knowledge
Improve and maintain performance through ongoing training.
Results for Ron Finemore Transport
"Can I please continue to receive the questions until I receive 100% correct? I'm really enjoying the learning experience"
Ron Finemore Transport
%average increase in team performance

Ron Finemore Transport (RFT) is a transport company with over 200 trucks and 450+ drivers.
RFT engaged Yarno with the initial goal to reduce the number of trailers dropped from one every ten days to zero. The success of that campaign saw Yarno rolled out to change behaviour in all areas of safety including fuel delivery, mass management, load restraint and speed/fatigue. Read the full case study here.
Since 2017, RFT has been rolling out Yarno learning campaigns designed to reduce safety incidents
reduction in dropped trailers
“A few of the drivers were talking about how they were having discussions with other drivers about some of the questions. It’s good because even if they don’t all agree on the process or the questions, it is getting a conversation going in the company and getting the drivers in the correct headspace.”
Ron Finemore Transport
%of employees feel more confident in their role.