6 ways to simplify your next safety hardware rollout

Mo Abdelrahman, 1 min read

Hardware plays a vital role in keeping people safe, efficient and productive in the transport industry - in fact, it's the fourth and final step in my MESH method for keeping businesses Smart N' Safe!

Introducing new safety hardware makes sense for a number of reasons, but from my experience, I know it can be quite daunting if not planned well!

In this video, I'm looking at six highly recommended steps for rolling out new safety hardware. Considering these steps will likely make your next hardware rollout a little easier and enable your team to maximise it.

1. Begin with the why. Does your team know why the new safety hardware is important?

2. Communicate the benefits. How will introducing this hardware positively impact the team?

3. Training. Always bundle your hardware rollout with the relevant training.

4. Trial the technology first. Do your research! Seek feedback from others in the industry who have trialled a similar technology.

5. Ask your team for feedback. On the back of a trial, who's going to know how well a new hardware worked more than those using it?!

6. Share the trial outcome. Demonstrate to your team that you've listened to their feedback, and make sure it's positive before the full rollout!


Mo Abdelrahman

Mo Abdelrahman

Mo is the other half of Mark's sales team. Together they are team M&M, working, hustling, and chatting their way to the top of the sales-Olympics. 

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