The 'S' of my MESH method series stands for software.
Software is a massive part of our daily lives. In my industry, transport, software is integral because it can help us save lives. We often take for granted how much software is working in the background of our trucks, buses and cars to keep us safe.
But just because it happens in the background, doesn't mean it's not important.
Because there is so much software out there, and because technology is constantly evolving and changing, many businesses often experience teething problems when trying to incorporate new software technology.
However, I've found that you can overcome these problems if you follow four easy steps:
1. Evaluate the digital proficiency of your workforce - what technologies are they comfortable using? In what areas could they improve?
2. Understand your internal system/process capacity and identify any limitations.
3. Establish a transition road map that everyone can easily understand, follow and support
4. Communicate the road map and demonstrate what it means for everyone in your organisation in the short and long term.