Ron Finemore Transport has been with Yarno for a while now. A good while. Long enough for their learners to have answered 21,200 questions across 65 Yarno campaigns. Yowza. Yarno must be getting old!
Ron Finemore Transport first engaged Yarno because safety is their number #1 priority. We were also concurrently engaged to help the business comply with the new Chain of Responsibility (CoR) legislation which was introduced in October 2018. This legislation is a pretty big deal in the transport industry, as it expands responsibility for anything that goes wrong in transport to everyone in the chain of responsibility. This means for example, that if a load comes loose on the road, it’s not just the driver responsible for any damages caused, but anyone who had influence over the manner in which that load was loaded onto the truck. This is a pretty high onus of responsibility, so Ron Finemore knew they need to take the training of their workers really seriously in order to comply with the legislation.
Because they have been with us for some time now, we decided it was time for a check in. We wanted to see how Yarno is working out for them, and how we’ve helped them tackle the challenges of the CoR legislation. So, to find this all out, I had a chat to Shane Tucker. Shane is the Safety, Rehabilitation, Compliance and Quality Manager at Ron Finemore Transport, so I knew he was the right person to talk to.
“What was your criteria when you were searching for a new training platform?”
“We had already identified in the business that due to us having a highly mobile workforce, and the general nature of how we identified that workforce learns, that we needed a flexible learning platform that delivered remotely, and which could be flexible on what times that learning is delivered. We looked at a number of learning platforms, and had been exploring them for some time. None of them suited our particular needs due either a lack of flexibility in the product or in the training material. Or, they were cost prohibitive for the size of our organisation.”
“Why did you choose Yarno?”
“Ron had an initial meeting with Mark, who did an overview of the Yarno process. Mark then came down and presented to us, including myself. When he presented, we found that Yarno offered flexibility, freedom, and the ability for Yarno to generate their own material, and take ownership of the process.”
“How has Yarno helped you?”
“Yarno has helped us on a number of fronts. Really, from the first step of people coming into the business for the first time, it has given us a good platform to get information across. It allows us to engage in three points of learning: we inform, demonstrate, and then we’re able to measure that learning. The training is repeatable and it is recordable.”
“Could you give an example of how you use Yarno at Ron Finemore Transport?”
“When new workers first come into the company, we use the videos Yarno has created for us to inform them of the content they need to know for their induction training. We’re then able to test their knowledge of that content through burst campaigns. We then immediately follow that induction up with a campaign on coupling and un-coupling. This process works well because we’re able to track their progress for a month afterwards, to make sure that they’ve picked up the basics.”
“The part which has also helped with the CoR legislation is that it has given us a lot of flexibility in refreshing and reminding staff, which is important because the CoR legislation is very technical, so it’s not enough to just review the changes once.”
“Yarno allows us to interact with refresher training more regularly, because we can make small injections into their day to help with their learning. And it allows us to tailor and target specific areas so that we’re not trying to cover everything in one day. Instead, we can use it in digestible chunks, and give people specific knowledge on a certain topic for a week or two, and then move on to something else.”
“What changes have you noticed since using Yarno?”
“It’s significantly increased engagement in short training and refresher training. It’s changed how we do our refresher training, it was normally done on a six monthly block where the workers all came into the office for a day, but this has changed that. It’s also allowed us to get greater depth and understanding of how the training is being received.”
“What are the biggest training challenges for you and Ron Finemore Transport as a whole, outside of the CoR legislation?”
“It’s the volume of regulation in the industry. The industry is very heavily regulated. Every compliance component, every sort of audit that we do, has an expectation that we should be doing training and refresher training for that particular regulation. So there is quite a body of training to get through. The constant need to be reviewing and looking for changes - because a lot of the organisations, especially the authorities, don’t heavily advertise or promote changes in legislation, or in processes or procedures. So we have to be actively looking and monitoring changes coming up and probably the changes and the differences from state to state. We operate across primarily across 3 states, and there can be quite significant differences in legislation and processes between each area. So we need flexible training that reminds people that if you’re in NSW the rule says this, if you’re in Victoria, the rule says that.
It seems like using Yarno is working out pretty well for Ron Finemore transport! If you want to learn more about the changes to the Change of Responsibility legislation, you can read our CoR factsheet here.