Every few months we highlight the newest product features that we're excited about. Here goes!
Icons added to dashboards and admin screens

A number of screens have been spruced up with the addition of icons to the metric cards.
Since our colour palette is pretty neutral (we love whitespace!), the green in the icons really brings the screens to life.
API documentation

We now have a full set of developer documentation that explains how Yarno works under the hood.
Yarno effectively sits on an API, which makes it easy for us to integrate and share data with other systems.
Read more on the Yarno developer site.
Learner dashboard optimised for mobile
The majority of learners interact with Yarno on their phone. And the old learner dashboard screen wasn’t displaying as well as we would have liked on smaller screen sizes. So we trimmed back each of the components on screen and added a new badge carousel.
We’re currently working on an even bigger change to this screen that will be ready in the next few months. Exciting!
SMS invites
Emails are the primary way we notify learners that they’ve been invited to a campaign or have questions to answer.
Last month for the first time we experimented with SMS for campaign invites. We think this makes it even easier for learners to signup and get started with Yarno.
Snooze notifications
Receiving notification emails when you’re on leave or off sick isn’t a great experience. So we introduced a feature that gives learners the ability enable and disable notifications as they wish.